Furniture takes up space, but that space currently goes through many changes that has effects on furniture and furniture needs.
Live and work spaces in the bigger cities are getting smaller and more costly. Some companies in need of affordable space move out. Some (startups) don't even bother to rent offices anymore, but work from cafes or only rent a desk – sometimes just for a few hours. Consequently it might mean that there will be less space and financial means for furniture and different needs for it to serve.
Travel distances from home to work are increasing, but our mobility and online opportunities grow as well. Because of that we can actually live and work from where ever we like, but the strain on urban spaces stays high and in the near future vital forces (space consuming creative industries, students, employees) might no longer be able to afford to be in a city like London anymore. This has recently caused debate and concern, but it also causes new opportunities for furniture. Furniture has to perform different if space is scarce and it is likely that the shared spaces will get used more. Streets, parks, squares, lobbies, stations and countryside are places where we move to relax, meet, wait or wonder and this effects needs and demands for furniture there. The public realm has been for long the area of architects, interior stylists and city planners but what is and can be the role of furniture design in this domain?
For this 4th Studio Salon on furniture & space we are looking into the interesting effects and demands that the changing position of space (and lack of it) has for furniture: in spaces as well as in the public realm, both in- and outdoor.
Start-up speakers:
– PearsonLloyd designs furniture for domestic and office environments but are also practiced in working for public spaces. Luke Pearson and Tom Lloyd will talk about there experiences in this field and about the reality of running a studio that likes to move and expand in London.
– Sarah Gaventa is director of MADE PUBLIC an independent public space and place making consultancy and former director of CABE Space - the government's advisor on public space. She is an expert on art and design in the public realm and will speak about recent shifts in it plus the demands and upcoming opportunities for furniture in shared and public space.
– Nina Tolstrup runs STUDIOMAMA and has worked on interior projects where limited space was often an issue. Currently she works for instance on a house of 12m2. She will talk about the design challenges when working on such projects and the effects for furniture.
Moderator: Max Fraser
Find a report on the evening here
* Recently some articles came out with comments & concerns on raising costs and limited space in London: Max Fraser / BarberOsgerby / Norman Foster / Naomi Clever